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The perfect family dog: he should be fond of children, cuddly, obedient, nervously strong and playful …

the perfect family dog?

In order to get such a dog, it is important to choose the right breed for your own family. Because breeds that basically and always make perfect family dogs, there is certainly not. Too different are the claims of families to the dog and also what the dog can ultimately be offered.

In case of doubt, a rather low aggression potential, not too much wakefulness or protective drive and a rather high threshold for a family dog ​​are quite recommendable. Very sensitive dogs are often completely overwhelmed in turbulent families, dogs that respond to any small appeal come here hardly to rest. Protective drive, on the other hand, is often a stress for the dog and owner in families with a lot of visits. Especially since the dog can come up with the idea to protect their own children in the wild game in front of visitors children.

Sports ambitions and urge to move the dog should match the adult (!) Family members.

In a family with smaller children, it is best to choose a dog who has no major problem with having to spend a few days at a stretch if the situation requires it. A rather high stimulus threshold and a calm basic temperament also fit in the case often best. Large dogs need to learn carefully to assess their powers in dealing with infants. Especially playful young dogs are often difficult. A small dog, on the other hand, is often not taken seriously by young children, can be injured in the game or dropped while being carried. Basically infants with dogs should never be left alone.

For older children, a smaller, active dog can be a good choice. In the game and dog sports, a smaller dog is often easier to control by children, and even on walks, the child can be more involved in the guidance of the dog.

Dogs that can fit well in a family

Here is a small selection of possibilities (What is perceived as pro or con depends of course on your own expectations and ideas and refers here to a dog, which should be kept as a pure family dog.The enumerated race characteristics are also dependent on the individual and from the socialization of the dog):

Beagle young dog

for happy families, where there is always someone at home and where there is always something going on. Good to keep in the city, especially as the freewheeling Beagles on dog walks works better than in the woods;)

pro: Mostly tolerated with other dogs, mostly open and friendly to strangers, barely any aggression. Hardly wake-up. Robust, yet handy size. Playful and usually in a good mood. Goes for walks, but does not need dog sports.

contra: Strong hunting drive (freewheeling in game-rich environment barely possible). Very own head (which makes the education difficult). Remains as Meutehund reluctant alone home. Very eaten (which also refers to garbage cans, compost heaps and sweets lying around).


well suited for more quiet families with older children who want to participate in the utilization and education of the dog

pro: Due to the small size and the eager to learn, enthusiastic nature even of children already in dog sport to lead, or children can be involved in the employment and guidance of the dog. Active, playful, easy to train, gentle and adaptable. Is always happy to be there, likes to go for a walk and is also enthusiastic about dog sports, but does not ask for it. Stranger dogs and people rather reserved (which you can regard as pro or contra). In general, hardly hunting drive.

contra: Relatively sensitive, less suitable for very turbulent households. Loves to bark.


for active, happy families who do not bother with their bad image

pro: Very willing to learn and adaptable, playful and almost always in a good mood. Little watch and hunting drive. Usually friendly to strangers and dogs. Not hair.

contra: Above all, his image as a granny dog ​​… Must regularly to dog hairdresser, because dead hair stuck in the fur and matted too long fur.

Bernese Mountain Dog:

For families with a home and garden who appreciate a confident, self-confident dog who needs little attention

pro: Robust with a high stimulation threshold (it’s hard to get upset). Good wake, usually limited to observing and reporting. Hardly hunting drive. Ausgegli

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